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杨万能 Using high-throughput multiple optical phenotyping to decipher the genetic architecture of maize drought tolerance GENOME   BIOLOGY  卷: 22  期: 1  文献号: 185  DOI: 10.1186/s13059-021-02377-0  出版年: JUN   24 2021 13.583 Article
2 Winkelmuller,Thomas M. Tsuda,Kenichi Gene expression evolution in pattern-triggered immunity within Arabidopsis thaliana and across Brassicaceae species PLANT   CELL  卷: 33  期: 6  页: 1863-1887  DOI: 10.1093/plcell/koab073  出版年: JUN   2021 11.277 Article
3 张云骅



Decline in symbiont-dependent host detoxification metabolism contributes to increased insecticide susceptibility of insects under high temperature ISME   JOURNAL  DOI: 10.1038/s41396-021-01046-1  提前访问日期: JUN   2021 10.302


Early Access






CRISPR-Cereal: a guide RNA design tool integrating regulome and genomic variation for wheat, maize and rice PLANT   BIOTECHNOLOGY   JOURNAL  DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13675  提前访问日期: AUG   2021 9.803


Early Access







BnTIR: an online transcriptome platform for exploring RNA-seq libraries for oil crop Brassica napus PLANT   BIOTECHNOLOGY   JOURNAL  DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13665  提前访问日期: JUL   2021 9.803


Early Access

6 张学坤 姜道宏 Editing homologous copies of an essential gene affords crop resistance against two cosmopolitan necrotrophic pathogens PLANT   BIOTECHNOLOGY   JOURNAL  DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13667  提前访问日期: JUL   2021 9.803


Early Access

7 陈宗奎 曹凑贵 Dry cultivation and cultivar affect starch synthesis and traits to define rice grain quality in various panicle parts CARBOHYDRATE   POLYMERS  卷: 269  文献号: 118336  DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2021.118336  出版年: OCT   1 2021 9.381 Article
8 程博 江洋 Balance rice yield and eating quality by changing the traditional nitrogen management for sustainable production in China JOURNAL   OF CLEANER   PRODUCTION  卷: 312  文献号: 127793  DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.127793  出版年: AUG   20 2021 9.297 Article
9 凌霖 曹凑贵 Comparing rice production systems in China: Economic output and carbon footprint SCIENCE   OF THE TOTAL   ENVIRONMENT  卷: 791  文献号: 147890  DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147890  出版年: OCT   15 2021 7.963 Article



章元明 mrMLM v4.0.2: An R Platform for Multi-locus Genome-wide Association Studies GENOMICS   PROTEOMICS &   BIOINFORMATICS  卷: 18  期: 4  页: 481-487  DOI: 10.1016/j.gpb.2020.06.006  出版年: AUG   2020 7.691 Article
11 卢志衡 杨中华 Synthesis and adsorption properties investigation of Fe3O4@ZnAl-LDH@MIL-53(Al) for azole fungicides removal from environmental water SEPARATION   AND PURIFICATION   TECHNOLOGY  卷: 276  文献号: 119282  DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2021.119282  出版年: DEC   1 2021 7.312 Article
12 余良倩



Proteome-wide identification of S-sulphenylated cysteines in Brassica napus PLANT   CELL AND   ENVIRONMENT  DOI: 10.1111/pce.14160  提前访问日期: AUG   2021 7.228


Early Access




李林 Single-molecule long-read sequencing reveals extensive genomic and transcriptomic variation between maize and its wild relative teosinte (Zea mays ssp. parviglumis) MOLECULAR   ECOLOGY   RESOURCES  DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.13454  提前访问日期: JUL   2021 7.09


Early Access

14 Rehman, Muzammal 1-2.外单位; 3. 刘立军 Medium nitrogen optimized Boehmeria nivea L. growth in copper contaminated soil CHEMOSPHERE  卷: 266  文献号: 128972  DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128972  出版年: MAR   2021 7.086 Article
15 肖胜华 朱龙付 Orchestration of plant development and defense by indirect crosstalk of salicylic acid and brassinosteorid signaling via transcription factor GhTINY2 JOURNAL   OF EXPERIMENTAL   BOTANY  卷: 72  期: 13  页: 4721-4743  DOI: 10.1093/jxb/erab186  出版年: JUN   22 2021 6.992 Article
16 黄显虹 熊栋梁 Mesophyll conductance variability of rice aquaporin knockout lines at different growth stages and growing environments PLANT   JOURNAL  DOI: 10.1111/tpj.15397  提前访问日期: AUG   2021 6.417


Early Access

17 黄志娟 黄求应 Potential role of lysine succinylation in the response of moths to artificial light at night stress ECOTOXICOLOGY   AND ENVIRONMENTAL   SAFETY  卷: 220  文献号: 112334  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2021.112334  出版年: SEP   1 2021 6.291 Article
18 Tantawy, Ahmed H.




Construction, petro-collecting/dispersing capacities, antimicrobial activity, and molecular docking study of new cationic surfactantsulfonamide conjugates JOURNAL   OF MOLECULAR   LIQUIDS  卷: 334  文献号: 116068  DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2021.116068  出版年: JUL   15 2021 6.165 Article
19 胡振



Integrated NIRS and QTL assays reveal minor mannose and galactose as contrast lignocellulose factors for biomass enzymatic saccharification in rice BIOTECHNOLOGY   FOR   BIOFUELS  卷: 14  期: 1  文献号: 144  DOI: 10.1186/s13068-021-01987-x  出版年: JUN   26 2021 6.04 Article
20 吕振刚



Modeling of winter wheat fAPAR by integrating Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle-based optical, structural and thermal measurement INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND   GEOINFORMATION  卷: 102  文献号: 102407  DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2021.102407  出版年: OCT   2021 5.933 Article





Retrieval of rapeseed leaf area index using the PROSAIL model with canopy coverage derived from UAV images as a correction parameter INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND   GEOINFORMATION  卷: 102  文献号: 102373  DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2021.102373  出版年: OCT   2021 5.933 Article
22 何莹 曾汉来 Jasmonic Acid Plays a Pivotal Role in Pollen Development and Fertility Regulation in Different Types of P(T)GMS Rice Lines INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR   SCIENCES  卷: 22  期: 15  文献号: 7926  DOI: 10.3390/ijms22157926  出版年: AUG   2021 5.923 Article
23 宋居荣 涂金星 QTL Mapping and Diurnal Transcriptome Analysis Identify Candidate Genes Regulating Brassica napus Flowering Time INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR   SCIENCES  卷: 22  期: 14  文献号: 7559  DOI: 10.3390/ijms22147559  出版年: JUL   2021 5.923 Article
24 陈晓洋 郑露 A novel transcription factor UvCGBP1 regulates development and virulence of rice false smut fungus Ustilaginoidea virens VIRULENCE  卷: 12  期: 1  页: 1563-1579  DOI: 10.1080/21505594.2021.1936768  出版年: JAN   1 2021 5.882 Article
25 曲正 姜道宏 Transcriptional Responses of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum to the Infection by SsHADV-1 JOURNAL   OF   FUNGI  卷: 7  期: 7  文献号: 493  DOI: 10.3390/jof7070493  出版年: JUL   2021 5.816 Article
26 汤洁静 杨龙 Botrytis cinerea G Protein beta Subunit Bcgb1 Controls Growth, Development and Virulence by Regulating cAMP Signaling and MAPK Signaling JOURNAL   OF   FUNGI  卷: 7  期: 6  文献号: 431  DOI: 10.3390/jof7060431  出版年: JUN   2021 5.816 Article



李林 Genome-Wide Identification and Characterization of Small Peptides in Maize FRONTIERS   IN PLANT   SCIENCE  卷: 12  文献号: 695439  DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2021.695439  出版年: JUN   16 2021 5.753 Article
28 沈超 林忠旭 Gossypium tomentosum genome and interspecific ultra-dense genetic maps reveal genomic structures, recombination landscape and flowering depression in cotton GENOMICS  卷: 113  期: 4  页: 1999-2009  DOI: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2021.04.036  出版年: JUL   2021 5.736 Article



王晶 Functional homoeologous alleles of CONSTANS contribute to seasonal crop type in rapeseed THEORETICAL   AND APPLIED   GENETICS  DOI: 10.1007/s00122-021-03896-x  提前访问日期: AUG   2021 5.699


Early Access

30 王雁翔 洪霓 A novel Actinidia cytorhabdovirus characterized using genomic and viral protein interaction features MOLECULAR   PLANT   PATHOLOGY  DOI: 10.1111/mpp.13110  提前访问日期: JUL   2021 5.663


Early Access




张静柏 Application of Double-Strand RNAs Targeting Chitin Synthase, Glucan Synthase, and Protein Kinase Reduces Fusarium graminearum Spreading in Wheat FRONTIERS   IN   MICROBIOLOGY  卷: 12  文献号: 660976  DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.660976  出版年: JUL   9 2021 5.64 Article
32 杨萌萌 王国平 Discovery and Characterization of a Novel Bipartite Botrexvirus From the Phytopathogenic Fungus Botryosphaeria dothidea FRONTIERS   IN   MICROBIOLOGY  卷: 12  文献号: 696125  DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.696125  出版年: JUL   1 2021 5.64 Article
33 刘天奇 李成芳 Long-term rice-oilseed rape rotation increases soil organic carbon by improving functional groups of soil organic matter AGRICULTURE   ECOSYSTEMS &   ENVIRONMENT  卷: 319  文献号: 107548  DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2021.107548  出版年: OCT   1 2021 5.567 Article
34 王洁 程家森 A novel antisense long non-coding RNA participates in asexual and sexual reproduction by regulating the expression of GzmetE in Fusarium graminearum ENVIRONMENTAL   MICROBIOLOGY  DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.15399  提前访问日期: JUN   2021 5.491


Early Access

35 原保忠 原保忠 Bibliometric Analysis of Cotton Research from Plant Sciences Category Based on Web of Science JOURNAL   OF NATURAL   FIBERS  DOI: 10.1080/15440478.2021.1952139  提前访问日期: AUG   2021 5.323


Early Access

36 任志杰 万虎 Dynamics of Microbial Communities across the Life Stages of Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) MICROBIAL   ECOLOGY  DOI: 10.1007/s00248-021-01820-w  提前访问日期: JUL   2021 4.552


Early Access

37 张玉超


Fungicidal Actions and Resistance Mechanisms of Prochloraz to Penicillium digitatum PLANT   DISEASE  卷: 105  期: 2  页: 408-415  DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-05-20-1128-RE  出版年: FEB   2021 4.438 Article
38 李敬阳 王艳婷 Diverse Banana Pseudostems and Rachis Are Distinctive for Edible Carbohydrates and Lignocellulose Saccharification towards High Bioethanol Production under   Chemical and Liquid Hot Water Pretreatments MOLECULES  卷: 26  期: 13  文献号: 3870  DOI: 10.3390/molecules26133870  出版年: JUL   2021 4.411 Article

1.Islam, Yasir

2.Shah, Farhan Mahmood

周兴苗 Functional response of Harmonia axyridis preying on Acyrthosiphon pisum nymphs: the effect of temperature SCIENTIFIC   REPORTS  卷: 11  期: 1  文献号: 13565  DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-92954-x  出版年: JUN   30 2021 4.379 Article
40 El-Badri, Ali M. A. 汪波 Modulation of salinity impact on early seedling stage via nano-priming application of zinc oxide on rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) PLANT   PHYSIOLOGY AND   BIOCHEMISTRY  卷: 166  页: 376-392  DOI: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2021.05.040  出版年: SEP   2021 4.27 Article
41 陈凯 江洋 Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Bt Protein Content in Transgenic Rice and Nitrogen Metabolism Mechanism JOURNAL   OF PLANT GROWTH   REGULATION  DOI: 10.1007/s00344-021-10451-x  提前访问日期: JUL   2021 4.169


Early Access

42 张强强 李勇 Nighttime transpirational cooling enabled by circadian regulation of stomatal conductance is related to stomatal anatomy and leaf morphology in rice PLANTA  卷: 254  期: 1  文献号: 12  DOI: 10.1007/s00425-021-03661-w  出版年: JUL   2021 4.116 Article
43 何莹 曾汉来 Spray treatment of leaves with Fe2+ promotes procyanidin biosynthesis by upregulating the expression of the F3H and ANS genes in red rice grains   (Oryza sativa L.) JOURNAL   OF CEREAL   SCIENCE  卷: 100  文献号: 103231  DOI: 10.1016/j.jcs.2021.103231  出版年: JUL   2021 3.616 Article
44 蒯婕 周广生 The physiological and proteomic characteristics of oilseed rape stem affect seed yield and lodging resistance under different planting densities and row spacing JOURNAL   OF AGRONOMY AND CROP   SCIENCE  DOI: 10.1111/jac.12544  提前访问日期: AUG   2021 3.473


Early Access

45 程博 江洋 Nitrate application induced a lower yield loss in rice under progressive drought stress PLANT   GROWTH   REGULATION  DOI: 10.1007/s10725-021-00731-7  提前访问日期: JUN   2021 3.412


Early Access

46 Tantawy, Ahmed H.

1.Tantawy,   Ahmed H.;




Structure-based design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of novel piperine-resveratrol hybrids as antiproliferative agents targeting SIRT-2 RSC   ADVANCES  卷: 11  期: 41  页: 25738-25751  DOI: 10.1039/d1ra04061h  出版年: AUG   3 2021 3.361 Article
47 韩勖 章元明 Identification of QTNs and their candidate genes for flowering time and plant height in soybean using multi-locus genome-wide association studies MOLECULAR   BREEDING  卷: 41  期: 6  文献号: 39  DOI: 10.1007/s11032-021-01230-3  出版年: JUN   2021 2.589 Article
48 邹琦 王利平 The full-length genome sequence of a novel mitovirus from Botryosphaeria dothidea, the causal agent of pear ring rot disease ARCHIVES   OF   VIROLOGY  DOI: 10.1007/s00705-021-05189-6  提前访问日期: AUG   2021 2.574


Early Access

49 穆凡 谢甲涛 Characterization of a novel botoulivirus isolated from the phytopathogenic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum ARCHIVES   OF   VIROLOGY  DOI: 10.1007/s00705-021-05168-x  提前访问日期: JUL   2021 2.574


Early Access

50 Hassan,Ali 黄求应 Alteration of Termite Locomotion and Allogrooming in Response to Infection by Pathogenic Fungi JOURNAL   OF ECONOMIC   ENTOMOLOGY  卷: 114  期: 3  页: 1256-1263  DOI: 10.1093/jee/toab071  出版年: JUN   2021 2.381 Article
51 王宗铠 周广生 Planting density and variety intercropping improve organ biomass distribution of rapeseed to alleviate the trade-off between yield and lodging resistance CROP   SCIENCE  卷: 61  期: 4  页: 2696-2712  DOI: 10.1002/csc2.20521  提前访问日期: JUN   2021   出版年: JUL 2021 2.319 Article
52 翟照伟 王学奎 Network Pharmacology and Molecular Docking Combined to Analyze the Molecular and Pharmacological Mechanism of Pinellia ternata in the Treatment of Hypertension CURRENT   ISSUES IN MOLECULAR   BIOLOGY  卷: 43  期: 1  页: 65-78  DOI: 10.3390/cimb43010006  出版年: JUN   2021 2.081 Review
53 Rehman,Muzammal



Effects of rice straw biochar and nitrogen fertilizer on ramie (Boehmeria nivea L.) morpho-physiological traits, copper uptake and post-harvest soil characteristics, grown in an aged-copper contaminated soil JOURNAL   OF PLANT   NUTRITION  DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2021.1943675  提前访问日期: JUN   2021 1.707


Early Access

54 原保忠



Bibliometric Analysis of Global Research on Muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) Based on Web of Science HORTSCIENCE  卷: 56  期: 8  页: 867-874  DOI: 10.21273/HORTSCI15827-21  出版年: AUG   2021 1.455 Review
55 原保忠 原保忠 Research trends and status of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) based on the Essential Science Indicators during 2010-2020: a bibliometric analysis CEREAL   RESEARCH   COMMUNICATIONS  DOI: 10.1007/s42976-021-00200-x  提前访问日期: AUG   2021 0.85


Early Access

56 Abdelkhalek,Sara Taha 王满囷 The potential use of Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms against Agrotis ipsilon (Hufn.) (Lepidotera: Noctuidae), its efficacy as an insecticide on vital biological activities and assessment on its safety INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF TROPICAL INSECT   SCIENCE  DOI: 10.1007/s42690-021-00598-1  提前访问日期: JUL   2021 0.774


Early Access


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