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姓名: 陈伟 出生年月: 1987.06
性别: 硕/博导: 博导
民族: 开设课程:
职称: 教授 研究方向: 作物代谢组学,麦类作物代谢遗传改良
学位: 理学博士






2017.05 - 至今, 永利集团官网入口,永利yl23411,教授,博士生导师;

2015.07 - 2017.04,永利集团官网入口,永利yl23411,博士后;

2010.09 - 2015.06,永利集团官网入口,生命科学技术学院,生物化学与分子生物学,理学博士;

2006.09 - 2010.06,永利集团官网入口,生命科学技术学院,应用生物技术基地班,理学学士。

代谢组学是继基因组学、 转录组学、 蛋白质组学后系统生物学的另一重要研究领域,是功能基因组学研究的有力工具。同时,次生代谢产物在植物抗逆、人类营养和医疗保健等方面发挥重要作用。

本课题组长期与本校生科院罗杰教授研究团队合作并致力于重要粮食作物代谢组学研究,主要包括代谢数据库的建立,代谢物的数量性状位点(mQTL)定位和代谢物的全基因组关联分析(mGWAS)研究,以及代谢相关基因的克隆和生物学功能的验证。最终目的是期望通过代谢组学的方法和手段为基因组学提供新的思路和生化线索,从而促进人们对重要粮食作物代谢过程的深入了解,进一步推动水稻、玉米、麦类作物及其他作物的遗传改良尤其是营养品质的改良。近年来,相关研究成果分别发表于Nature Genetics, Nature Communications, PNAS, Plant Cell杂志




永利集团官网入口科研启动经费 (2017 - 2021)



1. 2017年省级优秀博士学位论文;

2. 2015年吴瑞杰出生命科学奖;

3. 2015年永利集团官网入口三好研究生标兵

4. 2013年博士生国家奖学金

5. 2011年永利集团官网入口三好研究生

6. 罗杰,陈伟,龚亮,李东。一种利用LC-MS/MS高效鉴别植物次生代谢产物的方法。专利号:ZL 2010 1 0562426. 8


1. Chen W#, Gao Y#, Xie W#, Gong L#, Lu K#, Wang W, Li Y, Liu X, Zhang H, Dong H, Zhang W, Zhang L, Yu S, Wang G, Lian X*, Luo J*. Genome-wide association analyses provide genetic and biochemical insights into natural variation in rice metabolism. Nat Genet, 2014, 46, 714-721. (IF: 29.3)

2. Chen W#, Wang W#, Peng M#, Gong L, Gao Y, Wan J, Wang S, Shi L, Zhou B, Li Z, Peng X, Yang C, Qu L, Liu X, Luo J*. Comparative and parallel genome-wide association studies for metabolic and agronomic traits in cereals. Nat Commun, 2016, 7, 12767. (IF: 11.3)

3. Chen W, Gong L, Guo Z, Wang W, Zhang H, Liu X, Yu S, Xiong L, Luo J*. A novel integrated method for large-scale detection, identification, and quantification of widely targeted metabolites: application in the study of rice metabolomics. Mol Plant, 2013, 6, 1769-1780. (IF: 6.6)

4. Gong L#, Chen W#, Gao Y#, Liu X, Zhang H, Xu C, Yu S, Zhang Q*, Luo J*. Genetic analysis of the metabolome exemplified using a rice population. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2013, 110, 20320-20325. (IF: 9.8)

5. Peng M#, Gao Y#, Chen W#, Wang W, Shen S, Shi J, Wang C, Zhang Y, Zou L, Wang S, Wan J, Liu X, Gong L, Luo J*. Evolutionarily Distinct BAHD N-Acyltransferases Are Responsible for Natural Variation of Aromatic Amine Conjugates in Rice. Plant Cell, 2016, 28, 1533–1550. (IF: 8.5)

6. Wen W#, Li D#, Li X, Gao Y, Li W, Li H, Jie Liu, Liu H, Chen W, Luo J*, Yan J*. Metabolome-based genome-wide association study of maize kernel leads to novel biochemical insights. Nat Commun, 2014, 5, 3438-3447. (IF: 11.5)

7. Fang C, Zhang H, Wan J, Wu Y, Li K, Jin C, Chen W, Wang S, Wang W, Zhang H, Zhang P, Zhang F, Qu L, Liu X, Zhou D, Luo J*. Control of leaf senescence by a MeOH-Jasmonates cascade that is epigenetically regulated by OsSRT1 in rice. Mol Plant, 2016, 9, 1366-1378. (IF: 7.1)

8. Huang X#, Lu Z#, Wang X#, Ouyang Y, Chen W, Xie K, Wang D, Luo M, Luo J, Yao J*. Imprinted gene OsFIE1 modulates rice seed development by influencing nutrient metabolism and modifying genome H3K27me3. Plant J, 2016, 87, 305-317. (IF: 5.5)

9. Dong X, Chen W, Wang W, Zhang H, Liu X, Luo J*. Comprehensive profiling and natural variation of flavonoids in rice. J Integr Plant Biol, 2014, 9, 876-886. (IF: 3.7)

10. Dong X, Gao Y, Chen W, Wang W, Gong L, Liu X, Luo J*. Spatio-temporal distribution of phenolamides and the genetics of natural variation of hydroxycinnamoyl spermidine in rice. Mol Plant, 2015, 8, 111-121. (IF: 6.3)

11. Wang S, Tu H, Wan J, Chen W, Liu X, Luo J, Xu J*, Zhang H*. Spatio-temporal distribution and natural variation of metabolites in citrus fruits. Food Chem, 2016, 199, 8-17. (IF: 4.1)


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